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draft tube造句

"draft tube"是什么意思  
  • Coarse particle flow behavior in draft tube of spouted bed
  • Study on the method of detecting pressure fluctuation in draft tube
  • Approximate calculation of flow fields in hydraulic turbine draft tube
  • Numerical research on fins to alleviate draft tube surging
  • Analysis and treatment of draft tube inner lining cavitation damage
  • Application of numerical calculation into draft tube construction
  • Technology optimization of drying wheat by spouted bed with draft tube
  • Analysis and treatment on cavitation damage in liner of turbine draft tube
  • Computation of three - dimensional unsteady periodical turbulent flow though a draft tube
  • Calculation for transverse force of vibration in turbine runner induced by draft tube surges
  • It's difficult to see draft tube in a sentence. 用draft tube造句挺难的
  • Draft tube gate
  • Analysis of the destruction of the francis turbine draft tube inner side of dongjiang power plant
  • Extracting dynamic characteristic information on draft tube of hydraulic turbine by using wavelet packet
  • The units " vibration , noise and pressure fluctuation in the draft tube are measured in wanjiazhai hydro power station . eighteen measuring points were arranged on the 2 # and 5 # units respectively
    尾水管压力脉动以及噪声等重要参数进行测量分析,试验包括2 #机组和5 #机组各18个有效测点
  • The liner of turbine draft tube in ankang water power station was punched by cavitation , which leads to welding crack , metal shed and concrete delve , water spurting out . the cause of the damage is analyzed , the treatment is expounded
  • Abstract : the liner of turbine draft tube in ankang water power station was punched by cavitation , which leads to welding crack , metal shed and concrete delve , water spurting out . the cause of the damage is analyzed , the treatment is expounded
  • Thirdly , the correlative coefficient is computed between the pressure fluctuation signal of draft tube and the displacement signal of upper guide bearing , the thrust bearing and the head cover , with this the conclusions on the shafts response due to pressure surge in
  • From this work , a new way to improve the fluidization quality of the ultra - fine powders is found , and the studying result can supply as a basis of further investigation and be able to be used in the design of a spouted bed with a draft tube for the ultra - fine powders
  • Hence , they that flow field calculation and dynamical computation of fluid - solid coupling dynamic characteristics are carried out to search flow law in the hydraulic turbine , optimize the design of scroll casing , guide vane , blade and draft tube , and they can apply useful to the monitoring and fault diagnosis system of hydroelectric set as well
  • The transient cfd simulation including the spiral case , stay vane , guide vane , runner vane and draft tube at different operation points is studied fitly , then the result of the pressure distribution on runner blade is provided for the runner transient structural simulation by fluid - structure interaction ( fsi ) method
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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